Wednesday, August 6, 2008

and he drives a vespa!

So we've chosen a photographer and I'm really happy about it. Like so many things with our wedding so far, it wasn't even like we had to plan and research etc. Things keep happening serendipitously... like when we went to sell CDs at Sonic Boom and in the course of conversation we found out that the fella behind the counter his fiancee do screen printing. Hello invitations.

Likewise, I went to play soccer with a colleague, and at post-game-commiseration drinks found out that one of the stand up fellows on the team is a photographer with a really neat style. Hello photographer!

Derek Wuenschirs works independently and with BizPhoto. He's also really nice. Below are some of his photos from weddings. Very cool and unsappy. Great colour sense. And now I will stop pretending I know stuff about photography.

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