Remember how I posted
wayyyyy back about those tomato pincushions from Martha? Well I did a test run, and it wasn't too hard and they're pretty cute, so I've ordered the proper fabric to do a bunch of red ones and a couple of token green ones.

Now I just have to work up the energy to make them. Being an academic librarian in September really takes it out of one, let me tell you. Man alive! And my plans for getting back in shape have been disrupted somewhat although I had one heck of a run on the treadmill yesterday and am keen to get back on it tomorrow (when I've got the day off - yeah!).

We've both been in a planning lull, but I got an e-mail from the knot today saying that the wedding is 9 months away and when I relayed the info to Pip he had a mini freak out so I think it's time to pick it up again. Meetings! Crafts! Working out! Shopping! Registering!
Oof... I'm tired just thinking of it.